Learn from over 11 years of battle in the coaching industry, leading to over $125M in coaching programme sales.
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"The lessons are dynamite"
"3.5x ROI in the first 90 days (for the whole contract) + a pipeline I could only dream of last year. Dynamite." - Rick Plasket
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"We are a big company and TCS are our longest service provider by 7 years to 2nd place. They get results, rain or shine." - Ian Christelow
"Vital to our 2024 growth"
"If you are here to learn about coaching practice marketing, then the only person who's got the authority is Josh. " - Ellie Doonmor
"Josh is phenomenal speaker because he's been there and done it, so much.
"We learned more in our 6 months with TCS than we have done in the last 10 years" - Linda Norman